Webspin.net Questionnaire

(you may print and complete this form)

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Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. We hope it will help provide both you and us a vision, in order that we may set out together to develop your Website, and completely fulfill all of your goals and expectations. Please answer each question as completely and thoroughly as possible. Thank you. 

  1. Your Company/Organization information:
Name _________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________
Telephone, Fax, E-mail ___________________________________________________________
Contact Person(s) _______________________________________________________________
Type of Business ________________________________________________________________
Primary Marketing Target Group (Who are your customers?) _____________________________
  1. What can your Company/Organization provide your customers?
Service(s) ______________________________________________________________________
Product(s) _____________________________________________________________________
Other _________________________________________________________________________
  1. Whom do you wish to reach, and in which areas?
Businesses _____________________________________________________________________
Individuals _____________________________________________________________________
Local Community _______________________________________________________________
Other areas _____________________________________________________________________
Entire U.S.A. ___________________________________________________________________
Global ________________________________________________________________________
  1. What would you like your URL (www.yourname.com) to be? Please list your top three choices (We can help if necessary). _______________________________________________________________
  2. Please list an active e-mail address for your primary forwarding (default) _______________________
  3. How large might your completed site be? (for an idea, consider how many printed pages would it take) __________________________________________________________________________________
  4. Regarding the desired image of your Company/Organization as perceived by viewers, what might be some descriptive words? (i.e. flashy, basic, hi-tech, clean, etc.) ________________________________
  5. What special needs do you wish to consider? (e-commerce, audio, video, major consultation, major graphics work, photography, search listings, etc.)* _________________________________________
  6. Please list any questions or concerns you may have. ________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

*Any work above and beyond developing a normal, basic Website shall be charged out on a time+materials basis.

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